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Life on the Breadline – The Impact of Austerity
Life on the Breadline Animation – Anti Poverty Charter
Three Foodbanks in a Decade of Austerity: Foodbank Affective Atmospheres, Life on the Breadline
Life on the Breadline Conference June 2021, Intersectionality, austerity, and youth crime
Challenging Poverty and Life on the Breadline – Dr Chris Shannahan
Karen Coombes | Living below the breadline: the reality of austerity
The Impact of Austerity
Further austerity measures 'could have devastating impact' on life expectancy
Life on the Breadline - The Impact of Austerity
Life on the Breadline Lent Course (Session 6)
‘I live off £30 a month’: Nearly 4 million people in UK experienced ‘destitution’ last year